Sunday, July 14, 2013

How to Motivate Employees Using Recognition

Do you motivate employees enough? As a business owner or human resource manager, part of your job is to ensure employees are doing their job. Sometimes, they fail to do their job because they lack skills or they simply do not want to work. Yet, studies indicate that it is far more likely that individuals will stop doing their job properly due to a lack of recognition than because they are lazy or unwilling to work. That means your business could be losing key productivity levels and even the best employee talent.

How to Motivate Your Team

The question is, then, how do you motivate employees? To do so, you need to provide for the employee's needs. There are several things you can do now to make a big difference in those key productivity levels and employee talent needs.

#1 - Set the Standard and Stick with It

A common problem is that there is no standard in place. Do you have rules? Do you have an employee guidebook? Do your managers following it? As the human resource manager, setting the rules is good for everyone. Doing so will encourage employees to meet their goals and to know where they stand.

#2 - Talk about the Good

It is also important for you to notice what your employees are doing. If you do 100 pieces of work today, for example, and you break records, hit all key productivity levels, and feel good about yourself, what is going to make you do the same thing the next day? It is knowing that the employer or the human resource manager is there to say thank you and to pat you on the back. In other words, recognize the good that people do so they keep doing it.

#3 - Keep an Equal Page

It is often the case that a mother will spend a lot of time dealing with the child that cries the most, gets into fights at school, or doesn't do his or her homework. The same happens in a work environment. The employer or human resource manager spends a lot of time with that one employee that is not doing a good job and the good employee talent is ignored. That cause a drop in motivation and leaves your best employee talent looking for a new job.

It may seem challenging, but by following these tips you can put in place a process that helps you to build strong employee bonds. You can motivate employees.

Todd Bavol is the President and CEO of Integrity Staffing Solutions. Integrity Staffing Solutions is a national staffing firm assisting individuals and corporations in making the right employment fit. To view job openings in Warehouse, Professional and Administrative positions, visit the Integrity Staffing Solutions web site at
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How To Quickly Turn Your Dreams Into Reality

A lot of us wonder how some people are able to make it big or are doing what they have always longed to do. The answer to this is simple. Some people are more motivated than others. In order to achieve your dreams, you need to be inspired.

Today, I am going to share with you some motivational tips for all those who are currently in the process of chasing their dreams.

Be Clear of What You Want

To turn your dreams into reality, you have to be clear of what you want. You cannot just chase the dark because it is infinite. Becoming clear of what you want will allow you to think with an open mind and focus on that particular goal instead of tackling different things at a time. Moreover, aside from being clear of what you want, you also need to put all your focus into it and make sure you are fully determined to chase it.

Don't Be Lazy; Don't Sulk

Many of us have so many dreams and goals that we want to achieve but we fail because we tend to become lazy and start sulking. We ponder over the wrong things and put everything on the side instead of moving ahead with reason.

Becoming lazy about your own goals in life is the worst form of suicide. Lazy and sulking is a source of several factors such as lack of motivation, lack of belief that you can do it, not feeling the need to do it sometimes and feeling the need to do so in other instances amongst others.

Look at the Bigger Picture

Make sure that you look at the bigger picture whenever you want to achieve something for the long term. See, achieving your dreams, turning them into reality and doing what you were born to do requires a lot of effort. Things don't come easy in life and this certainly doesn't because if it did, each one of us would have been equally successful and popular but the truth is, we are not.

You have to be patient and look at the bigger picture whenever it comes to chasing your dreams because if you neglect it and look at the short term only, you will suffer big time. Mostly, in chasing dreams, you are mostly put off by the short term constraints and restrictions. As a result, all of us forget the bigger picture. We forget how our effort and dedication in the present will help us in the future.


To achieve your goals, make sure you put all your demons aside and don't let the negative you talk wrong in your mind because there is absolutely nothing wrong with chasing your dreams in life.
Visit FreshGoals and Read Our Article For 5 Ways To Empower Yourself
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Wednesday, July 10, 2013

How To Achieve All of Your Goals

It is motivation that gives us the drive to do something, it is motivation that pushes us to accomplish even the toughest of tasks and it is motivation that keeps us happy.

Hence, today I am going to give you a few tips on how you can keep yourself motivated in life to achieve your goals and dreams.

Have an ultimate goal in life
You need a strong goal to keep yourself motivated. If you don't have a specific goal in life then it will be extremely difficult for you to keep yourself motivated. A life without a goal will only lead to confusion and frustration. Hence, it is important to set a challenging goal in life and try hard to attain it.

Break your ultimate goal into smaller goals
Keep in mind that it might take up to several years to attain your ultimate goal. A lot of people get de-motivated along the way and then lose focus on their goal. Hence, it is always wise to break your ultimate goal into smaller goals and accomplish these smaller goals. This will not only keep you motivated but will actually satisfy you internally. By doing so you will also feel that you are swiftly progressing towards your ultimate goal.

Don't compare yourself with your friends
If you want to stay motivated then stop comparing yourself with others. Your family background and your priorities might be different from your friends. Hence it is inane to compare mangos with kiwis. Comparing yourself with others will only cause more frustration and uncertainty. Furthermore, don't focus on others achievements and success. Remember, only you are responsible for your success or failures hence make your own path.

Step out of your comfort zone
Procrastination not only slows down your progress but it also shatters you internally. You should stop thinking and start acting. Step out of your comfort zone and try to explore new opportunities. Once you step out of your comfort zone you will realize that there is so much more to life than you previously thought about. Moreover, by stepping out of your comfort zone you will also uncover your hidden talent and potential. This will get you motivated and happy in life.

Learn from your mistakes
A wise person always learns from his/her past mistakes and never repeats them in the future. A lot of people weep on their past mistakes and get de-motivated. Keep in mind that your past has no connection with your future. Hence, stop complaining about your past mistakes and move on. Learning from your past mistakes will make you motivated.

The bottom line is that motivation leads to success and happiness in life. Try to stay motivated and positive in life.

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Motivating Yourself On A Daily Basis Does Make A Difference

You can indulge in some daily activities that will most definitely help you get through every day in high spirits.

Listen to Music

Everyone listens to songs that inspire them, pump them and get them going in mood. You can get pumped up by listening to music daily and that will stay through you throughout the day. Don't listen to mellow songs because they are going to depress you and suck the positive energy out of you. When I want to get inspired, I mostly listen to upbeat songs. David Guetta, Rihanna and a few others are my personal favourites.

Work Out Is Important

Majority of the people have problems with finding inspiration to work out and trust me I don't really expect different things from you either. However you should at least try to look at it from a different point of view. You should try to use exercise as a way of getting motivated and being productive.

Workouts help in changing your mood for the whole day. It makes you feel that you have attained something and helps in making one feel good about themselves. It is not necessary for one to perform hardcore workout sessions.

Just a bit of cardio and weight training should do you wonders in terms of finding motivation. Workouts send that testosterone and adrenaline rush that goes unmatched by any other activity. Workouts can really assist you in making you feel great about yourself and change your attitude for the better.

Don't Procrastinate

Get out of the bed every day with a "yes it can happen" attitude. Don't procrastinate as that is not going to help you or do you any good. Don't take breaks and don't become a lazy bum. Whatever you have to do, make sure you do it because sulking will really not help you with achieving your goals.

Everyone plans; there is no one who doesn't want all the good for them in life but not all are able to achieve it. Why? Simply because not all that put their mind towards something are able to achieve their goals. By procrastinating, you will blow away every good thing that can possibly come your way so try your best to avoid it at all costs.

Know Your Goals

Don't forget to have a clear idea about your goals. What is it that you want to achieve and how will you achieve it is something that you should be clear about. Without a proper goal in mind, you will be lost.

Have A Better and Bigger Mindset

Rich people don't pity themselves. What helped them get rich was effort and hard work. They did not procrastinate. All the rich people have had a proper vision, a proper sight and a proper direction in life. Have a mindset, one like the rich people do. Don't feel sorry for yourself and stand up for what you believe in as if you do that, you are automatically going to find motivation every day.

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Wednesday, June 26, 2013

What Is Spiritual Healing?

Spiritual healing techniques are all linked by a common faith in universal life energy. The power of belief will help you to heal.

There are many different kinds of spiritual healing, from laying on of hands to color therapy, but all share the common belief that some illnesses can be cured without medicine or surgery. Christians ask God to help a loved one get better; Chinese mystics point to Chi Energy that needs to be rebalanced. Both know that there are invisible energies in the world.

Healing thoughts

Whether you choose to believe that these energies are controlled by a higher being or are just a part of nature that we can tap into, you can still learn to channel them. By drawing them into your body, you will benefit from a boost to your health and vitality.

Energy centers of the body

Crown Chakra
Controls the higher function of intelligence. Blockages can affect logical reasoning.
Third Eye Chakra
Sees beyond the psychic realm and governance your psychic abilities and awareness. Blockages can result in feeling unsettled in life.
Throat chakra
Controls how we express ourselves verbally and nonverbally. Blockages can result in bossiness or being overbearing.
Heart chakra
Control self-esteem. Blockages may result in selfishness.
Stomach chakra
This is the energy center that controls personality and emotions. Blockages may result in feeling sick to your stomach.
Sacral chakra
Governs sensuality and sexuality. Blockages may result in excessive cleanliness.
Base chakra
Controls mental and physical strength. Blockages can lead to aggression and mental problems.
Life force energy flows throughout your body, the blockages can occur in any of the major chakras.

Invisible healing energy
All forms of spiritual healing work for me, believe in a life force or universal energy that is found in all living things, and even affects inanimate objects such as crystals and rocks. The invisible healing power is commonly known as Chi - the term used in traditional Chinese healing, and is considered to be an intangible flow of energy that runs through the body, nourishing and healing it. Health can be affected by a blockage in the flow of Chi, so many healing practices from Crystal healing to Reiki and shiatsu, focus on restoring balance to the energy flow.

This energy is invisible to the naked eye, although some people believe that the aura, given off by your life force can be photographed using a method known as Kirlian photography. These images show the electrical energy that emanates from physical matter.

A guide to spiritual healing

There are various methods of spiritual healing, most of which are fully compatible with one another. Many of these healing methods are explored.

The power of your mind
The power of the mind to heal the body is often underestimated in Western medicine, but it is central to many of the ancient spiritual healing practices. It has been widely noted that the desire to get better plays a role in how quickly someone recovers from illness or injury.

The power of belief. In the case of spiritual healing practices, understanding how a therapy works is not as important as believing in the ability to heal. It is our faith in a healer's ability to rechannel energies or select an appropriate Crystal that ensures our well-being. Belief in a higher power, be it the Christian God, nature, magic, or a healer's hands, is the key to ensuring that therapies can work.

Many therapies fall into the category of spiritual healing but all rely on the power of belief and faith.
Vibrational therapies and visualization

Vibrational therapies are based on the idea that everything is surrounded by an electromagnetic energy field that resonates at its own frequency. When the body is in good health, this frequency remains fairly constant, but it can be disrupted by ill health.

Crystal healing is one of the best-known vibration therapies.
Therapies such as color therapy, crystal healing and sound therapy aim to rebalance or absorb negative vibrations and restore happiness and health to our bodies; it's a rebalancing of energy.
Additionally, visualization and meditation can play a role in some Vibrational therapies. For example it is thought that visualizing yourself bathed in a particular color has the same effect on your mood as looking at that color.

Color therapy utilizes our emotional response to specific light waves in the visible spectrum. The type of healing that occurs depends on the color used.

Channeling energy
Once you have opened your mind to the concept of a universal healing energy, you can start learning to channel it. Channeling energy is performed to draw vitality from the world around you into your own body, or into someone else's to aid healing and boosts general well-being.
Energy therapies practice as diverse as Crystal healing, Reiki and spell casting use tools, even if it is simply the reiki healer's hands, to focus and harness the flow of energy. The energy centers known as the chakras are often the focus of such channeling's and can be stimulated by various means.
Reiki works to aid the flow of life energy throughout the body, for restoring health.

The laying on of hands

All of us appreciate that a loving hug can lift the spirits. We also know that gently massaging sore muscle or rubbing a bruise can make us feel better. Healing hands, some therapies take this idea a step further, believing that certain people are born with special abilities enabling them to heal through the power of touch by, laying hands on to the sick person.

Some healers believe they have an innate power within themselves, while others believe they work on behalf of a higher being, such as the Christian God. A hands-on healer uses their hands to channel or redirect healing energy; therefore they use their hands as a tool for well-being.
Bill Robinson operates a Metaphysical and Holistic Directory which includes all forms of alternative healing. There are over 100 articles about all things holistic along with hand picked websites of healing practitioners. Visit for all of your Alternative Healing needs.
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We've Passed Through a Wall From Problems / Suffering to Heaven on Earth

That's right; we've passed through a wall separating Kala Yuga (the age of suffering) and the Age of Enlightenment, Man's Golden Age, Heaven on Earth--whatever pleases you to call it.
Everything bad is on the other side; but did you leave it there?

Today's message is to drop all the luggage that no longer serves you in this New Age. (We understand there's still some shuffling going on--that's to be expected.)

You were all prepared living in the Antarctic--the Frozen Antarctic! You wore thick, woolly gloves, goggles to protect your eyes, thick, heavy coats, fur-lined boots, long underwear, 4 pairs of socks, 2 pairs of pants with outer linings, and on and on.

Suddenly, you are in the Bahamas. That's what it's like--that's the extreme level of difference going on in the world right now. Every week we rise in more attunement to Natural Law, the Will of God, by a full percentage point. Or at least we have been.

But now, our progress has slowed! Want to know why? Simply because you're still wearing/carrying all the stuff you needed in the Antarctic! Drop it! Leave it there on the beach-- once you drop it, it actually dissolves! No body even needs to clean it up--it literally dissolves.

What do we mean? Any anger/hatred/need for revenge/need to "teach them a lesson"/punish is simply luggage. Let go of it. Any companies/individuals/ governments/politicians that appear to be "adding to the problem"/"creating problems"/are "unfair"/or simply wrong -- just drop them. No need to point, argue, protest/petition/etc.. Simply take back your power (your decision-making power, your right-to-decide), drop them (including all your thoughts right or wrong) on the beach--and watch them dissolve!
There is nothing more to do!

Watch every negative aspect of life simply dissolve by doing nothing; don't fight them or resist them as it (the transition) will take longer if you do.

They--the negative forces-- have already lost. They know it. Now you do, too.
Just act accordingly-- we're in the last 10 minutes of the thriller movie; the bad guys are surrounded and have dropped their weapons--literally. Their hands are in the air (they haven't surrendered officially, but everyone knows they are helpless). That's where we are; now just enjoy the end of the show. P.S. The epilogue lasts for a glorious 10,000 years!

That's it! That's our message today.

Create Heaven--all good everywhere, no non-good anywhere--in your life now. Visit our All our products at help create Heaven. Don't leave any stone unturned. Do everything you can to help yourself and others. All our products are powerful and serve this purpose, but the 2 most powerful are: Most Powerful Prayer Heaven-Creating® DVD and Heaven-Creating® Heaven Machines.
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Don't Rely on Yourself to Get Things Done - Create External Motivators

"An object in motion will stay in motion unless acted upon by an outside force. An object at rest will stay at rest unless acted upon by an outside force."
You know how it works... if it's up to you get something done - and no one is relying on it - you procrastinate, procrastinate, procrastinate...
And it doesn't get done.
But the second that you're responsible to someone else and someone is depending upon you to get it done, man, you've never seen yourself be so productive.
One of my coaching clients was invited to write a chapter for a textbook on coaching. We spent weeks on what she wanted to say, how she might present the information, mind maps, creating a writing lifestyle, writing goals. But not really a chapter written. The moment the editors established a deadline... BOOM! The entire chapter was written.
It's the war of internal motivators vs. external motivators.
Internal motivators take a back seat because external motivators scream at you. Internal motivators take the form of good ideas. "It is a great idea to work out three times a week." "That would be a great class for me to design and offer."
In the JOB world, primary external motivators come in the form of deadlines, 9am-5pm clock-in/clock-out, and a boss. Then, there's secondary external motivators like finances. You have to pay the mortgage with something. Finally, tertiary external motivators are higher on the Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs... things like creating a more fulfilling life, doing things differently, being a model, walking your talk.
It's easy enough if you have someone setting up the external motivators. But if you don't have that nice person who is going to give you deadlines and the like, how do you create your own external motivators?
  • Step back and look at the big picture. If you want to make six figures this year, how are you going to get there? If you want to speak at three conferences, how are you going to get those gigs? Attaching the "good idea" to the big picture of your goals might be enough of an external motivator.
  • Part of that big picture is understanding how the task fits in - and why. If you need a website, then know why you need a website. If the answer is to have a place to send potential customers to, then ask yourself who those people are and what they might need from your website. Then figure out what you need to make that a reality. A website designer? A business coach? (And when you need others to do the task, then they, in essence, become an external motivator. Hard for the website designer to create a website for you if you don't do your part.)
  • Set a deadline. Announce your new program or product. Or tell someone she can expect such and such by Thursday at 5:00pm. Now you're accountable to someone else, not solely yourself.
  • Break the task down into its individual, smallest pieces. It's much easier to motivate yourself to do a simple, easy task like "Contact a website designer" than "create new website."
  • Create tangible rewards if you do the project or tangible risks if you don't do it. If your reward for doing your task is a vague "things will be better," that's not good enough. Or if the risk of not doing it isn't painful enough, there's no reason to do it. Go back to your goals. If you don't launch the new program, you can't make your income goal for the month, and you'll have to work harder next month.
As entrepreneurs, we're probably better at being internally motivated than others, better than we think. AND we still need help. Create those external motivators and give your internal motivators a little boost.
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